As per news it shows that China is ready to fights any country or countries, who will stop  their illegal way to covered the area by forces. It is the 3ed war predictions because over rules the UNO decisions and others activities as below :-
1:- In this regards we have highlighted some things in my previous blog post , about China is thinking and doing something wrong in south China Sea . No body know that after the UNO (COURT) decision China is not going to vacate the south China Sea area, which was forcefully covered by China. In this regards America and Europe and others countries also said and advice to China to follow the orders of UNO. But China is showing  its for willing for not vacate the area and ready to faces any country or countries on this matters.
2:- China has going to constructed the economic corridor from the Pakistani Occupied Kashmir, which is the area of India and under dispute with Pakistan. In this regards India has highlighted the matters with china, but forcely construction the corridor.
3:- Pakistan has also forcefully occupied the BLOCHISTAN and Gilgit and this this China corridor is also passing to this area. The population of Balochistan and Gilgit also against this corridor and continue doing agitations. India has also said that Balochistan and Gilgit may be free from Pakistan forcefully occupation. In this regards China given warning to India for not to talk about POK, BALOCHISTAN AND GILGIT. From the China, such type of warning is plotting the area of a Big War.
4:- Now USA and INDIA has signed the logistics exchange memorandum of Agreement that will give the militaries of both countries access to each other facilities for supply and repairs and others activities. On this agreement, Pakistan and China are not happy and said that this act will create the peace problems in this area. 

I want to know from China and Pakistan,why you have warned to India, Blochistan and Gilgit, when both country have signed the agreement for construction of economic corridor. Whenever POK, Balochistan and Gilgit are forcefully occupied by the Pakistan. As per my predictions China, Pakistan,Korean country, and Fighting in Arabic countries are going to create the 3rd world war in future ⌚ without  knowing the worst result of this war because no country are save from the ATOMIC WAR


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