Now no further surgical attack on Pakistan. Our Indian public want one more war with Pakistan and war may not be stop till divided pak in four parts ei Sindh, Bilochistan, Gilgit

Indian leaders were thinking that Pakistan will be under control to themselves after surgical attack on Pakistan. But after that the head of Pakistani terrorists organization like Ajahar masood.,and Hafiz Sahid have clearly said that we will do more and more powerful attack on India Army and others government machinery . But it shows that our Indian government take it easily,  normal and baseless views of Pakistani terrorist organization. It has observed that during in T.V. Discuss all leaders using baseless comments to each other with out thinking that Indian public and outside India are watching and listening your baseless comments on each other. We want to request to all the leadership of Indian parties to stand with the Indian government without any mad types comments to each others, and you(all parties) please mind it that our Indian public are well educated and will vote to competent party during any election in India.

Pakistani based terrorist are continue attacking on our LOC and in side of our country and more than five army men become sahid on Border within five days. And in one case the terrorist has cut the head of our Army soldiers. Pakistani army have breaking border ceasefire 67 time within one month. So It is very shameful to our Indian government.

In my view :-

  1. Now Prime minister Sh.Narender Modi, time has come for direct war with Pakistan in place of any further surgical attack.
  2. During war with Pakistan a necessary curfew order may be issued in Jamu and Kashmir. 
  3. Necessary door to door search out may be taken in J&K and on the spots shut out order may be issued to the forces during the curfew periods. 
  4. All the anty Indian constitutional leaders of J&Kashmir may be captured and leave them within in border line (LOC) during war with Pakistan and shut out by the Indian Army to all the such types of terrorist /leaders together with Pakistani army during war with Pakistan because due to such type of leaders, India has lost the life of our maximum army Jswans from last 67 years in J&K and rest of country also.
  5. after washed-out of such type of hidden terrorists /leaders, we may immediately shifted all Kashmiri Hindu /Pandit to their house in Jamu and Kashmir. It will be the correct time for such type of action. 
  6. Now the time has come that the war between India and Pakistan may not be stopped till the dividation of Pakistan in four parts ei. 1-sindh 2- Bilochistan 3- Gilgit and rest Pakistan with their new name. 
  7. Now the time has come to forget the UNO order during war period, like China as UNO order on South China Sea.
  8. In UNO all the VITO POWERS Countries are not the familiar with rest the countries and mostly misusing the VITO POWERS in their personal country's interest  and due to this a bad and good terrorist definition created in the world. 
  9. the time has come to reorganizations of U.N.O power, other wise all the countries are not free and are bounded countries of Five VITO POWER COUNTRIES. And used as they fill fit in their personal interest. 
  10. Now we may not wait for first Atomic bombs attack by Pakistan and start all types of arms attack on Pakistan. 
  11. Pakistani army has cut the head of our Sahid Jawan MANDEEP (Haryana, kuruchetra). Now the family of Mandeep and all Indians want the heads of Nawaj Sharif, Rahil Sharif, Ajahar Masood, Hafiz Sahid and more and more Pakistani army heads because all are criminal under the Indian Penal Code. 
  12. Pakistan may be declared a terrorist country by India for which a urgent special Parliament session may be called without any delay or within two or three days. 
  13. We may closed all business dealing with the Pakistan and withdraw most important business country certificate provided to Pakistan. 

At the end I have time to time information to our government through my Blogger that I am 59 years old and have NCC "B" certificate and ready to serve for my country.
Now it is requested to our Bhartiya Janta Party government (India government) to forgets  any type of  coming elections and together to take the action as per above.
कहीं बाद में यह बात न कहनी पडे की :-
" अब पछताए क्या होए जब चिडिया चुग गई खेत "


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