Now time has come to reorganizations of U.N.O. In the interest of world peace

From last one day and to day dt. 10/10/2016 also terrorist attack is to be goings-on in EDI BUILDING IN PAMPOR J&K. The firing bet ween Army and terrorist is continue from last 60 hrs.Now all terrorists have been killed by our Army Soldiers. Now Hafiz Sahid, Masood Ajahar and Salaudeen, you all are on gun point of our Army Soldiers. And one terrorist attacks has been done on CRPF area in SOFIA J&K today dt. 10/10/2016 and wounded two CRPF and six local People. To day dt.11/10/2016 Pak terrorist try to cross the LOC under covered firing of Pakistan Army in Tangdhar J&K but not successful due to Indian Army alert. Pakistani government and pak terrorist organizations are continue sending the terrorists in India from last 40 years.
In this regards India has put up factual evidences so many times in front of all leaders of countries of World  and Pakistan government also. But every body is silence on this matter from last 40 years. In my thinking all countries of the world are interlinked to each other's for their personal interest only. So it is true that under this circumstances the wards good or bad terrorist are come in the picture. Some big Countries are  giving the financial and morally underground or openly support  to Pakistan for maintaining the expenditures of terrorist organization. It also observed that in UNO five VITO power countries are also not thinking seriously  and using the VITO powers in some cases for  their  personal interest only. The terrorist attacks in India can not been stop with the helps of UNO. 

Now time has come to be done more surgical  attacks on the Pakistani terrorists without afraid of others countries OR direct military action on Pakistan to free POK from their control. For World Peace we may support to BLOCHISTAN and Gilgit population because Pakistani army is mentally and physically torturing to them. 


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