The plan of Demonetization of Prime minister of Indian Sh.Narender Modi is a healthier plan for Indian population But in some cases the demonetization in India is the basket of gold for corrupted officers of Bank, Police, Income-tax and E.D.Deppt of India.?

It is in continuation my previous blog post dated 18/11/2016 regarding above cited subjects. In my previous post I have mention on the basis of media /news paper that in India maximum number of people weather govt. officials, business men, politicians, or some other persons who are nearby government power are corrupted  and criminal mind. After demonetization in India, all corrupted leaders, government officers, businessmen, Industrialist and black money holders were to much worried that how to convert our black and old money in newly issued Rs.2000.00 and Rs.500 notes. All corrupted persons were under pressure and trying to discover the idea for how to convert the black money (old notes) in to new currency.

The ways to convert money are created in the Indian as below :-

1:--.In this case first help /advice's are come out by our Indian Jewelers. The jewelers have given offers to purchases the gold @Rs.60000.00 per 10.00grams through old currency from the jewelers. 
Indian Jewelers have sold maximum gold and collected the black money from leaders, govt. Officials, businessmen, and Hawala karobaries etc.

2:-- Now such type of Jewelers come in contact with all types of corrupted Indians Bank staffs , and now Banks are converting old currency in to new currency after taking the hard cash in new currency +quantum of gold as commission. Such type of news are coming in the newspaper daily.

3:--In some cases banks have opened so many fraud /fake new bank accounts and deposited the maximum amount through old currency, which were deposited by leaders, govt.officials , business men, black money stockists and Hawala karobaries. And after this all the above said money have been transferred by  all Banks to others Banks in others cities as per requirements and convenient to Black Money holders. 

4:--In some cases in the starting period of demonetization, all black money holders have hired the poor persons, who have the nil balance accounts in the Banks and hand over them, two to three lac black money(old currency) to deposited the same amounts in to their nil balance accounts. 

5:--In some cases our some leaders, black money holders, and Hawala karobaries are also using their mussels powers and also trying to over powers to the Banks Staffs to do the works as per their requirements. Under such type of circumstances the Banks staffs knows that the local polices will not provided any help to them, because such type of steps will be taken with pre-planned by black money holders. If such type of deposit would happened in the Banks than it can not be comes out due to the threatening of such criminals mind black money holders to the bank officers. 

If above such type of cases can not control by the Modi government than the planning of demonetization will be come fail.

All the ATM's of banks have no money in maximum time and after 1:00 PM maximum banks always says that no money available in the Banks. Whenever Indian reserve bank are saying that we are continue sending sufficient new currency to all the Banks. 

So under above circumstances we may continue open my ears and eyes  and ordered to take the immediate action by the honest and loyal officers of Income-tax dept. , Enforcement directors dept.,Bank auditors , officers and police dept. against such type of culprit and financially criminal persons. 

"We may also take the help of military if it is required in the cities or on the Indian border."


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